Your heart, O Prophet of nostalgia
Your heart, O Prophet of nostalgia and tenderness on the planetary Mvic
Talaat sun in the sunset as the boy Ptzaal
Said to the Prophet I'm not happy Asfory died and was Lev
Ahanh rak'ahs blessings and tears in each eye witness
Why be surprised, of love and truth Ptherboa
Jesus the Prophet in the house of the boy every night Abiebawa
Spring of joy burst from his eyes to the Prophet by plump
And His mercy and Hanith Almleckh two rows between the hands,
Tears filled the sea and equal love at branches
Bacrwal Hanan last time crying Alsahaba of reverence
Its people to love the good and important Bta Qren
Deadline is the Lord of mankind Indhlhm my sad heart
LES Ptsgrbwa of love and truth Ptherboa
Jesus the Prophet in the house of the boy every night Belabbo
Spring joy burst from his eyes to the Prophet by plump
And His mercy and Hanith Almleckh row between the hands,